Nursing Education Loan (NEL) Program Policies for Nurse Refresher Course Student Applicants & Recipients

Application Process

  1. Return the completed application Nursing Education Loan Program form (SFN 11692) to the ND Board of Nursing. Attestation statement must be marked complete acknowledging loan repayment is through working as a nurse in North Dakota.
  2. Submit the $25 nonrefundable application fee.
  3. The board will consider the total cost of the refresher course to determine the financial need ot the applicant.
  4. The spouse of an education loan applicant is not acceptable as the co-signer of the note.  The co-signer of the note should be a North Dakota resident.  If the co-signer is not a ND resident, the applicant must provide a letter of explanation. The co-signer must be 18 years or older. Proof of age may be requested by board staff.
  5. A written statement from the refresher course coordinator or designee verifying the applicant’s acceptance and enrollment date in the refresher course will be used to determine if an applicant meets the qualifications for the education loan program.

Loan Disbursement Process

  1. Education loan recipients must return the signed notes to the board office after notification of award before the disbursement may be made.
  2. Nurse refresher course education loan recipients may not take longer than 12 months from the date of enrollment to complete the course, unless an extension is granted by the course provider and the board is notified.  The absolute time limit to complete the course is 18 months.

Loan Repayment Process

  1. The nursing education loan may be repaid by nursing employment in North Dakota.  The repayment rate will be one dollar per hour of employment.  Upon completion of the refresher course the Board of Nursing will provide Nursing Education Loan Affidavit of Employment form (SFN 16156) twice a year in June and December.  The NEL recipient will complete their portion of this form for each employer they worked for during the Dates Employed time period on the form to ask for verification of actual hours worked for employment credit from the employer(s).  The employer will complete their portion to provide the hours worked during the Dates Employed time period and send the form directly back to the ND Board of Nursing for processing.
  2. Interest and repayment on all notes will begin on the date of withdrawal or dismissal from the nurse refresher course.
  3. Recipients completing a nurse refresher course must provide the board with the name and address of their North Dakota employer within sixty days of completion of the course.  If employment in North Dakota is terminated before the loan is canceled, interest will begin to accrue on the unpaid balance from the date of termination.
  4. The nurse refresher course student who is not re-licensed and employed within sixty (60) days of completion of the course must begin to make repayment and interest will begin to accrue.
  5. Education loan recipients and their co-signers who are sixty (60) days delinquent in repayment of their account will be sent a demand for payment according to NDAC 54-04.1-05-02. Demand for Payment.

Page Last Modified: December 25, 2024