Distance Nursing Education Program Recognition Guidelines

The North Dakota Board of Nursing (NDBON) adheres to a distance nursing education program recognition process. The process facilitates collaborations between the NDBON and distance nursing education programs seeking clinical placements of pre-licensure students in ND facilities.

To qualify for distance nursing education program recognition, the following must occur:

  1. A request for distance nursing education program recognition for the purpose of student clinical placement in ND facilities must be submitted to the NDBON by program administrator(s) 60 days prior to student activity in ND facilities. The following will be required initially and updated annually (each Fall):
    1. Proof of Board of Nursing approval in the state in which the program(s) is headquartered; AND if applicable, proof of nursing program accreditation by a nationally recognized accrediting body.
    2. Program requirements for clinical faculty and preceptors.
    3. Proof of program approval for National Council State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (SARA) or proof of ND State Board of Higher Education exemption or authorization (see number 3 )
    4. Non-refundable recognition fee which designates approval for 1 academic year (Fall, Spring, Summer)
      • $800 per academic year for graduate programs
      • $500 per academic year for RN programs
      • $400 per academic year for PN programs
    5. Requests and recognition fee inquiries may be submitted via email to 
  2. Once NDBON recognition is granted, the distance nursing education program must submit the following information each semester prior to student activity in ND facilities.
    1.  Student information to include:
      • Student name(s)
      • Current ND or compact license information if applicable
      • Name and address of ND facility being utilized for practice experience
      • Course number and name for practice experience placement
      • Name of assigned preceptor(s)
    2. Syllabi for each course pertaining to student practice experience placement(s).
    3. Copies of affiliation agreements with each ND facility accepting students for the semester.
    4. Brief resume and current ND or compact license information for course supervising faculty and assigned preceptor(s).
    5. ND facility verification of clinical availability for each student placement fron an authorized facility representative.
  3. All degree-granting post-secondary institutions offering on-site or distance education to ND students must seek authorization or exemption through the ND State Board of Higher Education. Refer to the ND University System site.

RN/LPN Refresher and LPN IV Therapy Course Recognition

The NDBON considers Distance Continuing Education (CE) program recognition for RN/LPN Refresher and LPN IV Therapy courses. The CE program must be consistent with ND Refresher Course Guidelines or LPN IV Therapy Course Guidelines. Upon recognition, the CE program may be listed on the NDBON website.

The CE program recognition request must be submitted every 2 years and include the following:

  1. Proof of Board of Nursing approval in the state in which the CE program(s) is headquartered.
  2. Submission of course content (theory and clinical) and administrator/faculty/preceptor qualifications.
  3. For student(s) completing clinical instruction within ND, program administrator must submit student name(s), ND facilities, and verification of facility accepting student(s).
  4. Non-refundable $200 recognition fee which designates approval for two (2) years from the approval date.

Page Last Modified: December 27, 2024