On November 16, 2017, the ND Board of Nursing (NDBON) approved the following position statement on CRNA scope of practice and dry needling as presented by the ND Association of Anesthetist.
Discussion: Buettner indicated he would recuse himself from voting on this agenda item. On behalf of the ND Association of Nurse Anesthetists (NDANA), Buettner and Paula Schmalz presented results of research on the topic of dry needling interventions and the role of the Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA). The purpose of the research was to address the following: 1) do existing graduate entry-level nurse anesthesia educational programs include the didactic content and practicum experiences necessary for safe practice utilizing dry needling as an intervention for chronic pain management? 2) for the CRNA that desires to utilize dry needling as an intervention for chronic pain management, what additional education (didactic and practicum) would be necessary? The board reviewed and discussed the research findings and approved “NDANA Interpretive Statement for Dry Needling by CRNAs in North Dakota”.
Motion: Johnson, seconded by M. Hammer to:
Support the ND Association of Nurse Anesthetist Position Statement on CRNA Scope of Practice and Dry Needling.
Roll call vote: Buettner, recuse; Christianson, yes; J. Hammer, yes; M. Hammer, yes, Holth, yes; Johnson, yes; Johnston, absent; Mayer, yes; Spilovoy, absent.
6 yes, 0 no, 1 recuse, 2 absent. Motion carried.
Refer to the following documents reviewed by the NDBON November 16, 2017: